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Hands-free calls

Now available

Hands-free Calls with ReSound ONE

ReSound now offers hands-free phone and FaceTime calls for iPhone and iPad*, using state-of-the-art streaming technology.

Let your clients:

  • Take calls without needing to physically hold the iPhone or iPad* to speak
  • Multitask while talking, using their hearing aids as a wireless headset
  • Easily follow phone conversations, even in noisy situations
  • Stream with confidence as their hearing aids will have the energy levels needed to stream all day


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Instant access to everything you need to offer your clients hands-free calls with ReSound ONE

Sign up to get your Hands-free Calls Starter Kit

Here is what’s included:

  • Quick guide for upgrading to hands-free calls in SmartFit 1.13
  • How to enjoy hands-free call for iPhone and iPad one pager
  • Phone communication made easy with ReSound hearing aids
  • Email & Social Media templates for your client communication
Get the Starter Kit now
Hands-free calls

Hands full?
Go hands-free!

Phone calls are a lifeline to the world and to loved ones. Now we’re extending the calling experience in the most convenient and individualised way, so your clients can always feel free to call.

ReSound ONE Hands-Free Calls

Give your clients the freedom of hands free calls

  • FaceTime ReSound

    Offer your clients Hands-Free Facetime

    Seeing and talking to loved ones online is more important than ever, and visual cues help with lip-reading. Your clients can use ReSound ONE to FaceTime family and friends from their iPhone or iPad, and even have a video consultation with a hearing care professional, with the natural sound of the voices streamed directly to their ears.

    The combination of directly streamed sound to both ears with visual cues provides a speech understanding benefit of greater than 70% for people with a wide range of hearing loss severity.1

    1. Jespersen & Kirkwood 2016

  • Bluetooth low energy

    Welcome every call

    Let your clients stream with confidence. All day.

    ReSound ONETM users can effortlessly take calls and talk without needing to hold the iPhone or iPad, by tapping the button on their hearing aids. The lower battery consumption gives power for a full day.

    2Expected battery life depends on device model, active features, the use of wireless accessories, hearing loss, device age and sound environment.

  • Hands-free calls

    Get started today

    Download our Starter Kit today and start offering your clients the freedom of hands-free calls.

Effortless regular calls 

Your clients can easily enjoy great non-streamed phone calls by holding a fixed, cordless or mobile phone normally, close to their ear. ReSound ONE with M&RIE (Microphone & Receiver-In-Ear) cleverly locates the ‘sweet spot’ for collecting sound – the extra microphone in the ear picks up the conversation clearly without feedback.

In a recent study, 95% of users were able to position the phone optimally with little or no effort. All were satisfied and would recommend ReSound ONE with M&RIE to others.3

3. Subjective experience of telephone listening with M&RIE [Unpublished raw data]. GN Hearing/Audiology Associates, Inc. Hartenstein, R.W., Quilter, M.E. 2021

Effortless regular calls

How to offer hands-free calls

How to upgrade to hands-free

Easy firmware update

Upgrade your existing ReSound ONE users to hands-free calls with a firmware update in ReSound Smart Fit™, version

Go to ReSound Pro to download FSW

Book a Training Session

Let us help you get off to a great start offering your clients Hands-Free Calls with ReSound ONE.


Request a Training Session with the ReSound team


*ReSound ONE hands-free calls are compatible with:
iPhone 11 or later, iPad Pro 12.9-inch (5th generation), iPad Pro 11-inch (3rd generation), iPad Air (4th generation), and iPad mini (6th generation), with software updates iOS 15.3.1 and iPadOS 15.3.1 or later.