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Beltone Rely video tutorials


Behind-the-Ear (BTE) styles

How to turn on/off; insert and remove your Behind-the-Ear hearing aids with thin tube

BTE hearing aids with a thin tube: how to turn them on/off and remove them

How to turn on /off;  insert and remove your Behind-the-Ear hearing aids with earmold

BTE hearing aids with an earmould: how to turn them on/off and remove them

How to insert batteries in your Behind-the-Ear hearing aids

How to insert batteries in BTE hearing aids

How to clean your Behind-the-Ear hearing aids with earmold

How to clean BTE hearing aids that have an earmould

How to clean your Behind-the-Ear hearing aids with thin tube

How to clean BTE hearing aids that have a thin tube

How to change program and control volume on your Behind-the-Ear hearing aids

How to change programs and control volume on the BTE hearing aids

How to insert side indicators in your Behind-the-Ear hearing aids

How to insert side indicators in BTE hearing aids

Custom models

How to turn on/off; insert and remove your custom hearing aids

How to turn custom hearing aids on/off and remove them

How to insert the batteries in your custom hearing aids

How to insert batteries in custom hearing aids

How to clean your custom hearing aids

How to clean custom hearing aids

How to change program and control volume on your custom hearing aids

How to change programs and control volume on custom hearing aids

How to insert and remove wax filter in your custom hearing aids

How to insert and remove wax filters for custom hearing aids

Receiver-in-Ear models (RIE)

How to turn on/off; insert and remove your Receiver-in-Ear hearing aids

How to turn RIE hearing aids on/off and remove them

How to insert the batteries in your Receiver-in-Ear hearing aids

How to insert batteries in RIE hearing aids

How to clean your Receiver-in-Ear hearing aids

How to clean RIE hearing aids

How to insert and remove wax filter of your Receiver-in-Ear hearing aids

How to insert and remove wax filters for RIE hearing aids

How to insert and remove domes of your Receiver-in-Ear hearing aids

How to insert and remove domes for RIE hearing aids

How to insert and remove receiver from your Receiver-in-Ear hearing aids

How to insert and remove receivers for RIE hearing aids

How to change program and volume on your Receiver-in-Ear hearing aids

How to change programs and control volume on RIE hearing aids

How to insert side indicators in your Receiver-in-Ear hearing aids

How to insert side indicators in RIE hearing aids

Other popular topics

How to change program and volume of your hearing aids via HearMax app on an iOS device

How to change hearing aid programs and volume using the Beltone HearMax™ app and an iOS device

How to change program and control volume of your hearing aids via HearMax app on an Android device

How to change hearing aid programs and volume using the Beltone HearMax app and an Android™ device

How to place the hearing aids in the desktop charger

How to place the hearing aids in the Desktop charger